Absentia Lunae – Vorwärts (Impavida Avanzata) CD



1. Dissolution Mechanism 6:36
2. Furor Of The Monuments 6:58
3. Rapace Planare 6:23
4. Manipulated Statues Of Flesh 4:18
5. Vorwärts 8:04
6. Tragedy Told By Golden Horns 7:17
7. L’arrivée 5:08


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SKU: ATMF030 Category:

We need a new border to be crushed, we need the energy to raise the freedom of the inner self, disturbed by the frequencies of what we wrongfully called “modernity”.
“Vorwarts” means forward, never look back, react to the stagnant chaos of the thousand dead voices trying to dissimulate inner self.
Absentia Lunae new mission starts where the father of avantgarde black metal failed, without wasting an inch of determination to the artistic goal due to selfindulgence, but looking to the point and to the final target, far beyond the shadow of any minimalist substance.
Some may recall echoes of the Mayhem second era provoking attitude, but there all is forged into the final shape that the symbolic monument that Vorwarts represent.
A new kin will raise, transcending the mundane.
The most revolutionary artistic movement of past century, the Futurism, raised from Italy becomes today a source of inspiration and reaction to the lack of arrogance and ambition of today scene.